
My brief appearance in Downton Abbey: Nature readers share stories of side gigs

From rugby refereeing to film and television work, a poll reveals scientists’ first jobs and what they learnt from...Lees verder

Shock election win by the far right worries academics in the Netherlands

If Geert Wilders’s party can form government, it could restrict international students and scrap key climate policies. Science Magazine...Lees verder

Waiting on tables, mending puppets: the first jobs that shaped researchers’ careers

Many scientists credit teenage jobs and university or summer side roles for imparting important transferable skills and valuable life...Lees verder

To Belgium for a baby

Every year, thousands of Dutch people travel to Belgium for a fertility treatment. Is the care different there? And...Lees verder

It is not in your head – some people develop long covid like symptoms after their shot

Investigation: Rare adverse reactions after Covid vaccinations After the introduction of the Covid vaccinations, an international community evolved consisting...Lees verder

COVID-19 Reporting – When the Professional Became Personal

this article appeared on the website of the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards I was about to jump on...Lees verder

Get your coronavirus test, join the party: Experimental mass events in the Netherlands draw fire

Science Magazine, 29-4-2021 / online 27-4-2021 The Eurovision Song Contest, known best for its over-the-top performances and outrageous costumes,...Lees verder

Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

Science Magazine   Severe allergy-like reactions in at least eight people who received the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer...Lees verder

Is New Zealand ‘a particular case’ or does it show what would have been our best bet?

“I thought everyone would be going down the elimination path and follow the success of Asia.” Reporters Online Exclusive...Lees verder

More people are getting COVID-19 twice, suggesting immunity wanes quickly in some

The growing group of people who get sick twice suggests protection can wane relatively quickly. Or something else might...Lees verder

“Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said no one will be intentionally exposed to this virus.”

Global Public Health Professor Devi Sridhar What should we do to save and improve WHO? What has made the...Lees verder

Covid: Why the Western world is so reluctant to learn from Asia

The corona crisis painfully exposes the vulnerabilities of the usually dominant West. Not the virus itself, but society will...Lees verder

Why the corona crisis did not eradicate antivax sentiments

The corona crisis shows us what a virus can do when no vaccine is available. What does this do...Lees verder

Not the virus will determine our future, but the way society is dealing with it

Anthropologist Agustin Fuentes emphasizes COVID-19 is not just a biological event For months, we’ve been obsessed by the virus....Lees verder

‘I totally don’t understand that people in Europe don’t wear masks’

‘Korean Dr Fauci’ Woo-Joo Kim about his country’s approach Should western countries adopt the approach of countries like South...Lees verder

Guest post: A comparison of coronavirus approaches

Last week I was pointed at an interesting analysis of the global coronavirus approaches. The author, dr. Daxin Ni,...Lees verder

Can a century-old TB vaccine steel the immune system against the new coronavirus?

Science Magazine / Researchers in four countries will soon start a clinical trial of an unorthodox approach to...Lees verder

“Why isn’t my child being tested?”

The corona crisis from within At the daycare of the three-year-old son of Jop de Vrieze and Zvezdana Vukojevic,...Lees verder

How does someone become a conspiracy thinker?

A HEALTHY DOSE OF SUSPICION Until recently, conspiracy thinkers were mainly studied to find out what derailed them. But...Lees verder

First malaria vaccine rolled out in Africa—despite limited efficacy and nagging safety concerns

A SHOT OF HOPE Published in Science Magazine, November 29, 2019 MALAWI—In a small room at the Phalula Health...Lees verder

It’s a beautiful child. Why did he die?

After the stillbirth of their son, journalists Jop de Vrieze and Zvezdana Vukojevic are in search of answers within...Lees verder

What science reporters should know about meta-analyses before covering them

As science journalists who take our job seriously, we’ve learned a couple of rules by heart: never present a...Lees verder

Meta-analyses were supposed to end scientific debates. Often, they only cause more controversy

Link: Meta-analyses were supposed to end scientific debates. Often, they only cause more controversy

In science, a small revolution is taking place: the rise of registered reports

Link: In science, a small revolution is taking place: the rise of registered reports

EurekAlert! Has spoiled science news. Here’s how we can fix it

Link: EurekAlert! Has spoiled science news. Here’s how we can fix it

What We Can (and Can’t) Learn From Replicating Scientific Experiments (Undark)

A modern day do-over of a mid-20th century pupillometry experiment raises the question: What should we make of a...Lees verder

‘Replication grants’ will allow researchers to repeat nine influential studies that still raise questions

Link: ‘Replication grants’ will allow researchers to repeat nine influential studies that still raise questions

Chemical controllers: How hormones influence your body and mind

Link: Chemical controllers: How hormones influence your body and mind

Bruno Latour, a veteran of the ‘science wars,’ has a new mission

Link: Bruno Latour, a veteran of the ‘science wars,’ has a new mission

Serie Worstelende Wetenschap – De Groene Amsterdammer

Link: Serie Worstelende Wetenschap – De Groene Amsterdammer

Award Winners | Science Journalism Awards

Link: Award Winners | Science Journalism Awards We have gold! Our article about our son Mikki’s stillbirth and how...Lees verder

Why eat vegetables when there’s fast carbohydrates?

Wat is een karakterman?

Audio ‘Zelf ga ik liever op de brommer.’ In het kader van een cursus radiomaken kreeg ik de opdracht...Lees verder

Wat maakt een songtekst eigenlijk goed? Als ie concreet én universeel genoeg is om uit het hart van de...Lees verder

Ik ging op vakantie naar IJsland en nam mee terug… dit verhaal. Over een eigenzinnige walvisvaarder, actievoerders die het...Lees verder

Lieve Mikki, Waar ben je nou? Geboren, niet getogen, voor altijd gesloten ogen. Wat voor kleur zullen ze zijn?...Lees verder

Klokkenluiders brengen fraude in de wetenschappelijke literatuur aan het licht. Collega’s en uitgevers zitten niet te wachten op hun bevindingen.‘Er is...Lees verder

New technologies take root in the search for antibiotics from soil (Nature Medicine)

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 as a result of a coincidental observation, but modern medicine also owes thanks...Lees verder

Masterclass ‘bacteriën houden je gezond’ bij Mind & Health in Naarden. 

Presentatie en Moderatie

Regelmatig geef ik lezingen, leid ik discussies en interview ik experts in een zaal vol toeschouwers. Voor vragen, neem...Lees verder


Afgelopen vrijdag kreeg ik de VWN-publicatieprijs voor mijn artikelen over FDA-perikelen bij bloed- en plasmabank Sanquin. Uit het juryrapport:...Lees verder

Giulia Enders schreef een hilarisch boek over de darmen, dat in haar thuisland Duitsland al 800.000 keer werd verkocht....Lees verder

Ooit worden bacteriën resistent voor antibiotica, voorspelde de uitvinder van penicilline Alexander Fleming al. Die tijd is nu gekomen....Lees verder


Albrecht Thaer was een visionair. Deze Duitse agronoom (die leefde van 1752 tot 1828) geloofde namelijk rotsvast in de...Lees verder

Ziekenhuizen en bacteriën, dat klinkt als een slechte combi. Maar in het ziekenhuis van de toekomst worden bacteriën wellicht...Lees verder

Het schijnt een tijdje een voorzichtige Amerikaanse trend te zijn geweest: weg met de dagelijkse douche. Dat scheelt niet...Lees verder

Bij een tongzoen zijn heel wat bacteriën betrokken. In Amsterdam werd geprobeerd het uit te zoeken.

In de darmen onderdrukken de goede bacteriën de slechte. Maar er kan heel veel misgaan.

Wie alleen naar hersenwetenschappers luistert, krijgt maar een halve waarheid voorgespiegeld. Wij zijn niet alleen ons brein. Wij zijn...Lees verder