About my non-journalism work
In 2017 I decided to no longer do writing jobs on behalf of organizations about which I want to be able to report (independently and critically) as a journalist. This concerns, for example, pharmaceutical companies, but also governments, non-governmental organizations and scientific institutions, including universities.
In addition to my writing, I occasionally do assignments or projects for such organizations. I am regularly asked by educational and knowledge institutions in particular to give a lecture, workshop or presentation, to lead a panel or to chair a meeting. I accept these assignments when I get the impression that I can play an independent role. That means that there are no forbidden topics or questions and it is sufficiently clear that I have been involved in my role as a science journalist and not as a PR person or 'mouthpiece'. In the context of transparency, I indicate below what paid jobs I have carried out in that category recently.
- On 25 February 2019 I gave a workshop on the Talpa Radio Campus in Hilversum. Category: education.
- On 25 March I was a jury member at the Radboud Talks, a presentation competition for young researchers organized by Radboud University (only travel and accommodation expenses reimbursed)
- On March 26, 2019, I moderated part sessions at a meeting about 'digital food' organized by the journalistic website Foodlog and trade magazine Emerce. My role was to announce the speakers and after their presentations to interview and lead the conversation with the audience.
- On 12 April 2019 I gave a talk at a symposium on science communication in the eve of the ECCMID conference on microbiology. Paid by the Stichting Koepelconferentie Utrecht (Utrecht University)
- On 7 May 2019 I gave a guest lecture on science journalism at the master science communication at Utrecht University
- On June 15, 2019 I gave a guest lecture on freelancing at the science journalism course of the Science Correspondence Courses Foundation
- On 14 June 2019 I led a meeting of the Association of Pharma & Law about vaccinations. I interviewed various experts from industry, RIVM and universities on the subject. Members of the association mostly work in the pharmaceutical sector, but the association is based on a contribution and does not receive any sponsorship from the industry
- On 21 June 2019 I led a panel on CRISPR during the CRISPRcon conference in Wageningen, paid for by the Keystone Policy Center (US)
- On January 25, I acted as an expert in the World of Tomorrow section, AVRO / TROS, on NPO Radio 1
- On 7 February I gave a lecture about my journalistic project Wrestling Science at the meeting 'Come, we blame agriculture', organized by trade magazines V-Focus and Vork, paid for by Agromedia B.V.
- In February I participated in a brainstorm about a festival for freelance journalists, organized and paid for by the Dutch Association for Journalists (NVJ)
- On February 24, I acted as an expert in MAX News Weekend on NPO Radio 1
- On 27 February I gave a lecture about my journalistic career at the Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology
- On 9 April I was a member of the jury during the Breaking Science presentation competition organized by Utrecht University
- On 18 May I gave a guest lecture on freelancing at the Postgraduate Course in Journalism at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam
- On 4 June I moderated part-sessions during the Healthy Innovation - salt conference organized and paid for by Foodlog Media B.V.
- On 7 June I gave a guest lecture on science journalism at the master science communication at Utrecht University
- On 10 June I gave a guest lecture on freelancing at the science journalism course of the Science Correspondence Courses Foundation
- On 26 June I gave a Keynote lecture at the LOT Summer School 2018 on open access & open science, organized by the University of Groningen and paid for from an extra grant from NWO.
- On September 21 I was chairman of the day at the anniversary symposium of the Dutch Association for Neurosurgery.
- On September 26 I gave a keynote lecture on science news at the 5AM altmetrics conference, paid for by Digital Science
- On 7 November I gave a guest lecture on critical science journalism at the VU University in Amsterdam
- On December 15 I gave a guest lecture on freelancing at the science journalism course of the Science Correspondence Courses Foundation